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How loud are the drums of war? |
"How long will you wander, O unfaithful daughter? The LORD will create a new thing on earth--
a woman will surround a man."
(Jeremiah 31:22)
Main message: THE SHAKING!!!
(at the bottom)
A Call to Weep :'(
So after Pre-Fall we came back to the InterVarsity tradition and did not address what happened (all the visions and stuff) as a fellowship. But I wasn't the same and things weren't the same for me. It's like God opened my eyes so I see things differently and to learn things randomly (in His Word and stuff around me). And I shared what God was teaching me to the fellowship and staff. And that brought conflict with staff since it seemed like most of what God was telling me was against InterVarsity structure, contrary to the plans they had made and were making. They were moving forward with routine (InterVarsity life as we've known it) but God gave me an urgency "wait on the Lord"- fasting, praying and worship and the need to do this as a fellowship. People in the fellowship weren't listening to me coz they just follow the direction that Staff leads them so I tried giving the messages to staff so that they could pass it on but they thought I was crazy and that I was not hearing from God half the time since it wasn't lining up with what they planned or what they knew. We had numerous meetings to try to "make them understand" before they could apply what God was telling me but we never got to the application part. It dawned on me the reason why they weren't receiving my messages well and why they didn't address the stuff that happened at prefall. Why? Due to cultural differences. In other words, cultural strongholds in the land that have creeped into the church (I call these "blindspots" in the "Pimp My ride" post)."The LORD will create a new thing on earth--a woman will surround a man"
"After thinking about the spiritual condition of the Church of America, Sister Gwen asked the Lord " What was wrong with the Church?" The Lord told her that the Church doesn't know how to pray and that it's too late to teach them to do anything but weep. You don't need training to weep, you only need a broken heart so that you can feel God's broken heart."( "Teach them to weep" by Gwen Shaw)
What I think that verse means is: the qualities women are famous for possessing: being intuitive/ following their heart/emotional are usually seen as weaknesses but will God will turn things around; those will be strengths and will protect the unfaithful wanderer who is relying on what are seen as men's qualities and strengths (following the mind/logic). Also in Genesis, woman was given to man to be his helper which is the same word used in John when Jesus told His disciples that He will send them another Helper, The Holy Spirit, who will be our advocate and intercessor ("the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." -Romans 8:26 -yep He's pretty emotional and there's nothing weak about that) and He will guide us into all truth. So yeah following The Holy Spirit may seem dumb to you or optional but He is not optional for those who love truth (Jesus). The darkness got darker so you either listen with your heart, let The Spirit guide you and be delivered or be misled into the darkness and get caught by the enemy's snares.
So staff, InterVarsity and American church, anybody else, this is not the time to follow your logic because it has been compromised by the culture (our minds need to be renewed by God's word) if you want to understand then you have to listen with your heart: wait, listen and trust the Holy Spirit's lead. Wake up watchmen! Wake up InterVarsity! this is not the time to follow man and routine. Because: The day God visits you has come, the day your watchmen sound the alarm. Now is the time of your confusion. Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend....a man’s enemies are the members of his own household. But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. (Micah 7: 4-7)
I listened with my heart and this is what I hear, I let The Holy Spirit guide me and this is what I see...
"What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs." - Jesus (Matthew 10:27)
THE SHAKING before the Awakening!!! O_O :'''(
During Winter, out of the blue, I remembered Paul's vision from Pre-fall: He had a vision that there was an earthquake in IV and it was after that that revival in the school happened. So many people had so many visions so when they were sharing it kinda became casual. When I remembered that vision it came like a shock, "An earthquake!! Uhm... that's like really big news and like really serious." I was reading the Book of Ezekiel and God would give him visions of bad stuff that was coming because of the people's rebellion and he would warn them about it and if they returned to God, He would relent from sending the judgement. So I was planning to talk to Paul about it but that never happened because we were busy being enemies and I was busy being depressed and that was distracting.
So I forgot about it until the topic came up again in the middle of the quarter. In my class the professor mentioned how California has a big earthquake every 100 years and so they are expecting one in 12 years but I still had this sense of urgency. Towards the end of the quarter, the weather was weird and each time the winds were blasting I would get a sense of urgency to pray.
So I'll stop beating around the bush now. Friends, this is really sad news and my heart is heavy but I have to share this. So God confirmed to me through His Word and other sources that He will not relent from sending calamity to the U.S. It really breaks His heart as well but He needs to do it for the sake of His name and to wake people up. We are stuck in routines and not putting God first (Relationship with Him =Loving Him and trusting Him with all our hearts + Freely receiving His rest and love & Loving people) so He is going to shake this nation so that we can stop and seek Him before it's too late. We are in the last hour guys, this year will mark the beginning of the End times. Let's wake up to the times. People please prepare your hearts for:
The song below is a song God gave me (spontaneous) during Winter break: "Sound the alarm. The King is coming back. He's coming for His bride - all dressed in white. He's coming for His bride- pure and refined." And I've included some verses with some of the prophecies I mentioned. Yes Jesus is coming back soon (no one knows exactly when) and even sooner is "the day of vengeance of our God" (I believe it's this year).
So I forgot about it until the topic came up again in the middle of the quarter. In my class the professor mentioned how California has a big earthquake every 100 years and so they are expecting one in 12 years but I still had this sense of urgency. Towards the end of the quarter, the weather was weird and each time the winds were blasting I would get a sense of urgency to pray.
So I'll stop beating around the bush now. Friends, this is really sad news and my heart is heavy but I have to share this. So God confirmed to me through His Word and other sources that He will not relent from sending calamity to the U.S. It really breaks His heart as well but He needs to do it for the sake of His name and to wake people up. We are stuck in routines and not putting God first (Relationship with Him =Loving Him and trusting Him with all our hearts + Freely receiving His rest and love & Loving people) so He is going to shake this nation so that we can stop and seek Him before it's too late. We are in the last hour guys, this year will mark the beginning of the End times. Let's wake up to the times. People please prepare your hearts for:
- Earthquakes- A series of earthquakes is coming to California. Some major cities will be destroyed :'(
- Floods and tsunamis- "From the west, men will fear the name of the LORD, and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up flood that the breath of the LORD drives along." (Isaiah 59: 19) Charity had a dream about a tsunami hitting when she was at the beach with her bro and it felt real and it freaked her out. I had a dream that FT was flooded. North tower had fallen into the water and we were trying to get people out of South tower. I don't know if my dream means anything. But I have other confirmation that God led me to for all I'm saying so you can ask for it.
- Martial Law is coming- Joel 2. God confirmed this to me through a cartoon movie my lil sister made (and which I edited and named, "Welcome to the Endtimes") - it's about this alien (Dr. Evil) stalking this one couple and it killed the boyfriend and abducted the girl. Also, Charity had a dream that she was home with her dad then she went outside and got so scared all of a sudden exclaiming, "They are here!"and she was talking about aliens. Also, "The Lord said to me, “From the north disaster will be poured out on all who live in the land. I am about to summon all the peoples of the northern kingdoms,” declares the Lord.“Their kings will come and set up their thrones in the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem; they will come against all her surrounding wall and against all the towns of Judah. I will pronounce my judgments on my people because of their wickedness in forsaking me, in burning incense to other gods and in worshiping what their hands have made." (Jeremiah 1: 14-16) The "aliens" are a Russian army as I later found out.
- Signs in the heavens- The sun will be darkened for 3 days. Joel 2. Hosea 6:2-3.
I know this is a lot but I just had to spill it all out now since I've procrastinated long enough and we're more than halfway through the year. I have a lot more of the context to share that will wake you up to the times we're living in and make more sense to the severity of the shaking we are soon to witness. Dear friends, this life is all about God, it's not about us and our kingdom (Check out: The Kingdoms). He will do this all for His name and His glory (Isaiah 30). He loves us so let us free ourselves from the systems of this world coz it's going down :'( let's make Him our refuge.
The song below is a song God gave me (spontaneous) during Winter break: "Sound the alarm. The King is coming back. He's coming for His bride - all dressed in white. He's coming for His bride- pure and refined." And I've included some verses with some of the prophecies I mentioned. Yes Jesus is coming back soon (no one knows exactly when) and even sooner is "the day of vengeance of our God" (I believe it's this year).
If you don't believe me and think I'm crazy here's one of the confirmation that God led me to. If you like more confirmation I have more so let me know. And yeah let's seek God and wait on Him (main point!). Let's ask him to Search us. Test us. Lead us. There is protection, peace and rest in His arms so let's take Shelter :)
There'll be a shaking before the awakening (harvest). A time to Mourn :'( and a time to Dance :') (Ecclesiastes 3:4) Related Post: Rend the heavens. After the shaking, it will be a time of restoration, rebuilding and favor for the people who return to God :) Details to come! :)
"Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them."
(Psalm 126: 5-6)
P.S: We are living in exciting times! I have a lot more to share... some good news! some hard news! the bigger picture.. but I just had to share this first to get it off my chest (it would wreck me if I didn't share this with you before it happened) and so that we can prepare our hearts for whenever it will happen. So stay tuned and don't worry! Just WAKE UP and Pray! And feel free to share questions or comments. Peace! :) May God bless you and keep you! (Friends, God has really broken my heart for this nation because of the hidden systems of oppression that are holding people captive. If you want to talk, or have a prayer request I can be your friend! So you can call/ write to me). Sound the alarm to your friends and family, the day our God acts is at hand (Joel 2). Friends around the world please pray for America. Love, Charlene :)
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