
Friday, December 16, 2011

Words of Truth

A word of truth, a blast of fresh air; refreshing and crisp; eye-opening and thought-provoking, crippling yet revitalizing,offensive yet life-changing, shocking yet revealing, rare and rich, challenging but oh so true!

Hmmh, if just one word of truth from a mere stranger who barely knows you could be so powerful, I can't help but wonder what a couple of words of truth would do to us; words of truth from SomeOne who knows us even better than we know ourselves.

But the thing is, words and truth demand a response.

Well, will I let this blast of fresh air flow past me and leave me unchanged and unmoved or will I breath it in, and be cleansed and changed by it? Will I then breath out the overflow to effect change on my surroundings?

And that's not a question just for's for all you who stand in the paths of these refreshing winds, everyone who encounters those words of Truth.

(Nov. 11, 2009)


Update: 11/6/13
I went to Prayer and Prophecy at the Prayer shed (behind the Jesus Burgers House) last Monday and it was being led by the Bethel team that came over this weekend. It's funny that the team that prayed for me, two of them had actually given me words the Friday before at Upper Room. So anyway I recorded it on my phone and it's in the video I made below. It was encouraging and gave me lots of confirmation. It reminded me about this post as well as "Let My People Go" and that whole series. But I'm sharing coz it's not just a word for me. It's a word for the this time and this generation so let's step into it together =)

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