
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Staff Appreciation :)

(Email I sent to InterVarsity Leaders on 11/27/11)
Hey Everyone! :) I hope you've been having a great time at home (if it wasn't that great  I hope you at least got some rest <span id= and that you can spot out some things you can be thankful for :)

Staff Appreciation&[] gift
So I was thinking we should do something to appreciate Staff before the end of the quarter, so this week. (Don't worry I'm not planning to start filling up your inbox, I just didn't want Staff to read this.) That idea was inspired by: 
"Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13)
"For they refreshed my spirit and yours also. Such men deserve recognition." (1 Corinthians 16:18)"The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him." (Galatians 6:6)
Here are my ideas: 
-We can either do it at the End of Quarter Banquet: So the person who's making the slideshow, at the end, could include a picture of staff (each of them or one with all of them) and include some words of thanks (either what people say or a verse or a quote or something). Then whoever is the MC can also say stuff to them/about them (or find other people to). As for the rest of us we should appreciate them in whatever way we feel like (you can bring gifts, write notes, or just tell them how you appreciate them). Also you can let your small groupies know so that they can do they same if they want.
Or: We can do something at the All Leaders Meeting this Thursday instead? Like at the end, just bombard them with gifts/words of thanks n encouragement?
*Let me know what you guys prefer or if you have other ideas. (Maybe to avoid filling up your inbox, instead of replying all just reply to me and I'll compile what you guys tell me then I'll send out one email with our final decision. Since its coming up soon please reply asap, preferably by Monday night. Thanks :)
***Praying for Staff***
Also I would like to remind and encourage us to be praying for staff now and over Christmas break (and always lol). This is really important especially because at Prefall they got many visions/prophecy that the devil will try and attack them and he will also try to bring conflict :(fight) fight(between the staff and us) with the aim of bringing division, disunity =(( broken heart.  They devil &gt;:) devil knows that if he can get to the leaders, it will be easy for him to get to the flock.

*Check this out: Jesus tells Peter:
"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16:18-19)
Then later He tells him: “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22: 31-32)

So yeah, the devil knows the good plans that God has for InterVarsity, He's plan to bring revival to us and to our campus and the devil doesn't like that so he'll do his best to bring opposition. But I like the verse that Alex shared with us at the beginning of the quarter: (Isaiah 8:9-10)
"Raise the war cry (some translations-> "Do your worst"), 
you nations, and be shattered! 
   Listen, all you distant lands. 
Prepare for battle, and be shattered! 
   Prepare for battle, and be shattered! 
Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; 
   propose your plan, but it will not stand, 
   for God is with us."

----> The devil will try to do his worst but we know that God is with us and He has and He will give us victory! ~^o^~ cheer

***So pray for:
->Protection for staff and their families.
-Pray against the devil's lies and different forms of discouragement- Pray for heightened discernment.
->There will be conflict (between us and staff and among them) so pray for patience and wisdom in conflict resolution and that also includes racial reconciliation.
->Pray for their health (I'll attach a document on the leaders page with info that may be helpful when praying for Melissa.)
-------> Please pray for EkaeteYeah I know she's no longer on staff but she's still part of us. Pray for God to give her wisdom and direction for her to know what God's will is for her life. Pray for reconciliation between her and staff, for there to be no hard residual feelings. And please if she left and you still have unresolved stuff with her (even though its something "small") please seek out reconciliation with her (yeah she's not here any more but it still affects our fellowship)- that may mean swallowing some pride and apologizing on your part or on both sides. Please do it if it applies to you; but don't do it alone. Tell someone else about it and ask for advice on how to go about it. And please don't wait too long or push it aside as unimportant. This is serious. (I'm not just telling you guys this stuff to order you around, I'm speaking from experience. Fall has been conflict resolution quarter for me. Through His word God showed me how we hurt Him so bad when we don't live in unity, when we don't resolve conflict as small or as big as they may seem. So I've had to swallow my pride and initiate conflict resolution even though I saw myself as the victim in the situation. So I've sat down with some staff and brought up stuff from last year that was unresolved. And as awkward and tiring as the process is, at the end of it, its like a burden is lifted and deeper fellowship happens. So yeah just do it :)

Ok that's it. You made it to the end! congrats! :) 
Sorry if the length of my messages are torture to you guys. Why do I write all this stuff? I don't have any ulterior motives. I just like to share what I learn so that we can help each other apply it. And I just care about you guys.:x
 lovestruck Let me know if you have any questions or if you have a prayer requests you wanna share. :) happy All the best studying for finals and doing papers and stuff! See you all on Thursday! :D big grin love, Charlene.

Update: 9/13/12
Hey InterVarsity, I just want to make it clear that I LOVE STAFF (Melissa, Paul, Marissa, Sarah) :) Thank you for all the sacrifices you make for us and for how much you love us! There has been conflict (the stuff I exposed) like was prophesied due to misunderstandings :( The devil (the real enemy) did his worst and brought more division. But his plans will not stand for God is with us! We need to prepare for battle to fight for each other (put on the full armor of God) I'll have more details about that. So yeah let's fast and pray for ourselves and each other :-) Our God is healer! Awesome in power! =)

Let's not go back to how we have been interacting with each other. Let's be friends :) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus and ask Him to shine His light in us and through us =) Let's be reconciled through the cross and Father's Love. Watch this video I made for us:

I have a lot to share by this weekend since I'm super-behind and it's super-late. But yeah, some will be for our fellowship and some other general urgent stuff for all my facebook friends. I love you all. I know you most probably still don't get me and stuff may still be unclear from your perspective since I'm not done sharing so please be patient and focus on the application I share. (Here's one application: Fall Fast) K, peace! :)

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