
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Oprah & New Ageism

(Facebook note I shared on 3/14/2009)
Being my facebook friend you might have checked out my info page and read what I had posted as my favorite quote. If you've forgotten or didn't read it was:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” (Marianne Williamson)

Sounds like a nice inspiring quote right? I thought so too. BUT if you check again you'll find out that it's no longer in my favorite quote section. Why? I deleted it coz I realized that there's A TERRIBLE MISTAKE INCLUDED...can you spot it out? Let me help you out if you haven't:..."WE ARE POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE..." you may or not agree with that observation but read on...

The quote, contains some truth when read out of context but I was shocked when I found out the message of the main text and about its author and I just wanted to share it with you guys coz I don't want to be responsible for misleading people.

The quote is from a book called "A Return to Love: A Reflection on the principles of A Course in Miracles",written by Marianne Williamson. I don't want to go into great depth but what I wanted you to know is that the author of the book is a prominent advocate of the New Age movement and the book is a tool to spread those New Age beliefs e.g that human beings are gods,there are many paths to the same place, Jesus is not the only way, there is no sin hence no need for salvation, the universe is not big enough for one true God, etc. It puts man at the center and pushes God out of the equation. So I'm sorry if I misled you by sharing that quote with you,.. I don't want to play any part in promoting that movement of deception.

The quote may still sound true to you even within the context but just be careful to take in the truth e.g we should let our light shine, and shun the idea suggesting that we are powerful beyond measure since you all know that there is a limit to our power, and the only one who is powerful beyond measure is The Almighty GOD, not man.

Some other books with such New Age ideas include: The New Earth, The Secret and A Course in Miracles (Update: And the books Oprah recommends through her book club. And books by Eckhart Tolle). So please avoid or take caution if you decide to read any of these books because their content may sound true but when you look at it closely you realize that it fosters materialism, greed and lies and goes against biblical truth.

For more info about what am talking about watch the below you-tube clip:

(You can also watch the Oprah one I posted on my profile) -> The video was deleted
So just be careful what you take in...there are many false teachers and teachings out there.
Don't be deceived.

"But it's easy to be deceived since there are many false teachers out there!" you may exclaim.
Yes, you're right there are many false teachers out there...and its a BIG DEAL!! that's why 3 New Testament books of the Bible say: "Watch out for false teachers!!"

So how can we avoid being deceived by these false teachers and teachings?
Jude 20-23 answers this question for us and tells us to:
-Build our faith- Count on the Bible.
-Pray and let God's Spirit guide you.
-Keep yourself in God's love
Update: Here's some more confirmation about Oprah and the deception she has spread:

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