Saturday, May 31, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
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Saw this on Brenda Obondo's Instagram :-) |
“Before she was in labor
she gave birth;
before her pain came upon her
she delivered a son.
Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Shall a land be born in one day?
Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment?
For as soon as Zion was in labor
she brought forth her children.
Shall I bring to the point of birth and not cause to bring forth?”says the Lord; “shall I, who cause to bring forth, shut the womb?”says your God."(Isaiah 66: 7-9)
There comes a time when, in the midst of your hustle and bustle of what has become your life, you stop in your tracks and then you see more clearly.... you see what's right in front of you... One of those times came for me towards the end of April... My sis Flo who's a nurse found this job for me for ten days back home... I didn't want to take it at first coz it would take me away from SB and my time here is running out fast... but sometimes a break is needed, to step back and gain perspective... Anyway at work I took my laptop with me so that I could use it during the down time but on May 1st I forgot to bring it with me so during the down time I read the paper and I also watched the movie, The Cinderella Man, with the nice elderly man I was taking care of. So let me share those visions with you: (Main Section: May: A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance and for application: "It's Time to Praise!!!)
May is for Unity!
I asked the man I was taking care of if I could make a collage using the newspapers he wasn't using and the pieces I ended up cutting out were flowers, the arts, colors, people from different ethnic groups together smiling and dancing at a music festival, family and hearts. Then I flipped over the page and saw this ad on the left, "ONE VOICE UNITED IN PRAYER: Over 40 churches from .... will be participating. May 1st, the National Day of Prayer." I was really excited to see this, coz the One Body group was planning an event called, "One Voice: A Night of Unity."-- I'll come back to that.
*Snack time: You probably saw this pic on my instagram with this comment: "Pistachios are awesome! I could eat them all day! Snacking at work with my boss n chatting about our identity (I'm Kenyan and he's of Polish descent) and living in America. Comparing and contrasting everything from education, culture, politics, religion, diversity, inequalities, effects of colonialism, health care, and the future of Africa. My last remarks: The future of Africa is my Generation -we are the future, right here and now. Taking our education and making the changes we want to see. #Caregiving #Companionship #ReimagineActivism #Snacktivism #ChangingTimes #LoveOneAnother #LearnFromOneAnother #Education #MovingForwardTogether" ♡ So yeah, that also happened on that same week.

K back to the story... I knew the month of May would be important (through various means). I saw that A.S Program Board was showing "300: Rise of an Empire"in IV Theater on May 27th and if you remember I had a "vision" when I watched the trailer when it first came out, like I shared in the Rise of an Empire post, "this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh battlefield—on the sea—as Greek general Themistokles attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war" and that entailed a coalition of commanders including a female commander. Also, I mentioned that I watched "The Cinderella Man"- "One man's extraordinary fight to save the family he loved" and it's based on a true story. In his last big fight, his wife wasn't backing him up because she was afraid for his life but she decided to later go and support him and he was happy to see her and said, "I told you I can't win without you behind me." Then with the support of his wife and his whole hometown, who came together to pray for him in church during the big fight and cheered him on while listening to the game on their radios and others at the match, the "Cinderella man" fought the fight and won the price; he came from being a washed-up boxer to a champion and when he won they all won... with his winnings he was able to improve the living conditions of his family and he also helped out his town by paying back the money he got while he was on welfare. So what does that have to do with anything?? Moral of the Story: There is Power in Sacrificial Love. There is Power in Unity. It also brings it back to the body of Christ how there's different members and different gifts and how each part of the body is important... so we need to love and support each other while using our gifts so that the whole body is strengthened and that the war is WON. Related posts: Be ONE.
May is on Fire!
In Acts 1: 4-5 "On one occasion, while He was eating with them, He gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Then what did they disciples do? "They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers." (vs.14) There was unity in constant prayer. And then what happened? "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them." (Acts 2: 1-3) So Jesus give them a promise then they prepared to receive it then they received what was promised. Dear church, let's apply this. We received the promise of a great revival (great move of the Holy Spirit leading to an awakening) coming from Santa Barbara. So what should we do in the meantime? Let's prepare ourselves. Let's wait on God. Let there be unity in constant prayer until we see breakthrough in this city, until we are consumed by the fire of His Love. We can do this church! :-) Related post: Time to SEEK! I also saw this yesterday:
On this day in 1998 - British Protestants and Irish Catholics of Northern Ireland approved a peace accord. #Mayisawesome!!!
May is for Glory!
Also, last Winter God had highlighted the month of May... I was reading some article about the planet Venus, the best time of the night to see it (coz I had seen this really bright 'star' late at night and I thought it was Venus so I just wanted to confirm) so anyway, I can't find that article right now but it had said that it was in May that Venus would shine forth in all it's glory. Venus was named after the goddess of beauty and love. Also, Venus is known to be the "morning star" coz it's said to shine brightest before the dawn. So what does all this mean?? I could go on and on but I think the point here is that God is calling the church, the body of Christ, to unite coz it's all about LOVE at the end of the day (even at the end of the age)... so yeah to love each other but also to unite and fight for the harvest -- through waiting on God (waiting while expecting) through corporate prayer and our praise.
"Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God." (Romans 15:6)
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” (Revelation 22:16)
So am I saying that Jesus is coming back in May? No that's not what I'm saying... I'm saying that He wants us to be prepared for His return --Venus shines brightest before the dawn-- now is the time to shine through humbling ourselves before God praying together, loving and forgiving each other, serving each other through our gifts, and especially waiting on God for more of His Spirit. What brings glory? FULLNESS OF LOVE. FULLNESS OF GOD. (Related Post: Pimp My Ride)

I posted this on my instagram a few weeks ago: Vision of the day! :D My sis and I were driving on the freeway when I saw this! My people are you ready?? :D "But for you who fear My name, the Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. And you will go FREE, leaping with Joy like calves let out to pasture." (Malachi 4:2) // "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His Holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, He leads out the prisoners with Singing!" #Psalm68#SingaNewSong #Victory! #Freedom! #ThisTimeForAfrica :') ♥
And then I found out that Harriet Tubman died in May and she was known to be "A Moses for her people" freeing thousands of slaves through the underground railroad (post: Harriet Tubman).
After last Friday night you don't need anymore convincing that May is important. For those who don't know there was a mass shooting leaving 7 dead and 7 injured. The news was so shocking and so sad. For more info read this: IV May 23rd. Earlier on that same Friday I remembered this post and I was working on it but then I decided to go support Maria at her salsa night fundraiser... and that's when the shooting took place...
Let me now tie in the importance of all of this... A lot of stuff has happened in IV this year: all the sexual assaults, Deltopia riot, a girl found dead at the beach and now this tragedy that has plaqued the whole town :'( ... but all this shouldn't be news for the church... in fact it reflects the condition of the church which is responsible for the city's direction and preservation (Matthew 5:13-16).
Let me now tie in the importance of all of this... A lot of stuff has happened in IV this year: all the sexual assaults, Deltopia riot, a girl found dead at the beach and now this tragedy that has plaqued the whole town :'( ... but all this shouldn't be news for the church... in fact it reflects the condition of the church which is responsible for the city's direction and preservation (Matthew 5:13-16).
"Do Your Worst": The Death Plague before The Exodus
When a girl was found dead on the beach </3 I posted an article about it on facebook and my friend Ashira Angel Solomon, asked me, "What's going on in my town?" She lived in SB for a while before moving up to Redding to be part of Bethel. When I thought about what she asked I remembered these verses:"Raise the war cry (in some translations: "Do your worst"), you nations, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle, and be shattered! "Devise a plan, but it will be thwarted; State a proposal, but it will not stand, For God is with us."//"Now I will arise," says the LORD, "now I will lift Myself up, now I will be exalted."(Isaiah 8:9-10, Isaiah 33:10)
The first verse, the one from Isaiah 8:9-10, I remembered from 2 years ago, back when I was in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship... we had come out of our Pre-Fall Leaders Retreat and a lot of students were on fire for the promises God had given us at the retreat, the new thing that happened, the revelation of spiritual warfare and how that brought us so much closer, well atleast for the beginning of that school year... So anyway, more students were taking the lead: sharing encouragements and instruction on our InterVarsity facebook page, leading prayer walks around IV and prayer meetings (such as Lissah [black] and Shayne's [mixed: white and latina] Racial Reconciliation prayer meeting and Wisdom [black] and Chris Taylor's [white] Family prayer meeting) and it was so great to see this happen... all this movement... without the Staff having to initiate. So yeah, about that verse... it was Alex Jensen (Now a married man. Congrats!) who shared it on the facebook page. He said he felt led to share it though he didn't know what exactly it meant... but I knew it was important (because it was God's word and I usually like to believe Him) but it was now that I saw the full meaning....
*"Do your worst"* At that Pre-fall leaders retreat lots of people had visions which I've shared in different posts... One of them, Marissa (she was one of the InterVarsity staff) shared a vision: There was a shooter on campus and Marissa and Ekaete (she was also one of the staff) were running away from the shooter while holding hands but then their hands part since they ran in different directions. Marissa was running looking behind coz she thought he was behind her but once she looked ahead he was right in front of her with the gun pointing right at her... In the end Marissa and Ekaete were together again but there was a dead body in a bag. And that was the end of the vision.

So you see like I said before, at Prefall Leaders Retreat many people had visions of a great awakening coming to Santa Barbara but first they saw a huge cloud of darkness come over SB (representing demonic forces) and lots of conflicts and division happening within the church (one of the visions specified racism) and then other visions people shared involved unity -Alex Jensen shared a vision that we were at the top of the hill holding hands and praying, there was a cross in the middle, and our unbeliever friends were going up the hill towards us, Judith shared a vision that we were marching down DP holding hands (she was holding hands with her friend from Real Life) - I take that to mean unity in the body of Christ and boldly taking back territory for the Kingdom (related posts: Let There Be Light and Let My People God). So yeah, unity in engaging in spiritual warfare is key in seeing revival happen in a city. So if you see all this division and violence happening in IV it should surprise you if there is division in the church in the city. So church this is really convicting: we didn't cause the shooter situation, but we could have build a wall through our love and unity in intercession. If you want an illustration, the movie "Frozen" is a perfect example how disunity in the royal family affects the rest of the city. What's convicting for me is because I know this but I'm tired of telling the church what God says we should do and they don't listen, so each time before I initiate I am discouraged by knowing that I will just be ignored or facing opposition like in my past experience. And also being discouraged keeps me from interceeding myself. But church NOT ONE MORE person should die in this city, NOT ON OUR WATCH! THE WALLS MUST GO UP! #UnitedWeStand It's time to fix our eyes on Jesus, abide in love and contend for our city.
Ariel made this picture his profile pic and someone commented: "Moses" when I saw that it reminded me of how it was Passover the other day and I had re-watched Prince of Egypt... God sent Moses to Pharoah to free the Israelites from bondage but the Pharoah's heart was hardened even after God sent 9 plagues... and it was only after the tenth plague, the death of the firstborn of the Egyptian sons (God told the Israelites to smear lamb's blood on their doorposts so that the angel of death would pass over their houses). So after the death plague the Pharoah finally cooperated and allowed Moses to lead the people out of Egypt. The Israelites had been mourning under their slavery for a long time and Moses was also mourning for his people... and it's only when there was unity in mourning -The Pharoah also in mourning for the death of his son - that led to the Phharoah being humbled and freedom for the people. And after they crossed the Red Sea they sung, danced and rejoiced in God's great deliverance. This reminded me of Marissa's vision... at the beginning her and Ekaete were holding hands (representing unity in the multiethnic body of Christ) but then they became divided and it was only after someone died that they came back together. I could see this after last weekend's tragedy, it produced a lot of solidarity in the school and also in the church -- it brought humilty, the church coming together united in mourning and praying for the city, but the battle's not won yet.
The week before One Voice I had an idea of getting together all the believers and doing the very praise flashmob like in the video above. I felt like God was calling us to praise Him and as we praise Him together He will fight the battle for us. Also, Ariel included this gospel song as his caption: "You don't have to worry and don't you be afraid. Joy comes in the morning. Troubles they don't last always." And it reminded me of this Scripture that I posted in Africa ARISE!
(2 Chronicles 20)
14 Then the Spirit of the Lord came on Jahaziel son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite and descendant of Asaph, as he stood in the assembly. 15 He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. 16 Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. 17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’”18 Jehoshaphat bowed down with his face to the ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the Lord. 19 Then some Levites from the Kohathites and Korahites stood up and praised the Lord, the God of Israel, with a very loud voice. 20 Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.” 21 After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise Him for the splendor of His holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: “Give thanksto the Lord, for His love endures forever.” 22 As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. 23 The Ammonites and Moabites rose up against the men from Mount Seir to destroy and annihilate them. After they finished slaughtering the men from Seir, they helped to destroy one another.
24 When the men of Judah came to the place that overlooks the desert and looked toward the vast army, they saw only dead bodies lying on the ground; no one had escaped. 25 So Jehoshaphat and his men went to carry off their plunder, and they found among them a great amount of equipment and clothing and also articles of value—more than they could take away. There was so much plunder that it took three days to collect it. 26 On the fourth day they assembled in the Valley of Berakah, where they praised the Lord. This is why it is called the Valley of Berakah ("praise") to this day. 27 Then, led by Jehoshaphat, all the men of Judah and Jerusalem returned joyfully to Jerusalem, for the Lord had given them cause to rejoice over their enemies. 28 They entered Jerusalem and went to the temple of the Lord with harps and lyres and trumpets. 29 The fear of God came on all the surrounding kingdoms when they heard how the Lord had fought against the enemies of Israel. 30 And the kingdom of Jehoshaphat was at peace, for his God had given him rest on every side.
And then today Ariel posted this "Stomp" song by Kirk Franklin: "Lately I've been going through some things that really got me down. I need someone, somebody to help me come and turn my life around. I can't explain it, I can't obtain it. Jesus your love is so, it's so amazing. ...Makes me clap my hands. Makes me wanna dance... Its been a rough week gentlemen. A praise break is in order. Find a worship song, get somewhere you're comfortable, and Dance."
I think God is calling us to exalt Him through singing and dancing and with the expectation and faith that He will come through and defeat all our enemies (spiritual strongholds) bringing breakthrough in our lives and our city. It's time for the church to lead the revolution! Some application:
I think God is calling us to exalt Him through singing and dancing and with the expectation and faith that He will come through and defeat all our enemies (spiritual strongholds) bringing breakthrough in our lives and our city. It's time for the church to lead the revolution! Some application:
- Every Praise flashmob-- This was actually Pie's idea and we need help in carrying it through: Help in gathering people, getting the word out and filming the flashmob.
- For InterVarsity-- I know most people went their separate ways, moved on with their lives and are doing their own thing even for those still in SB. But it's always been in my heart for us just to come together, pray and worship as we wait on God to finish the work He started in us as a family. Some people come back to SB to visit their friends or for events, so why not come back and come together also for the sake of our city. The tragedy last weekend has united us in mourning though we are apart... some people came back to see the memorials. What if we could end the war by coming together... won't that be worth it? Anyway, that's just my heart.
- Everyone else -- we need to keep praying, worshipping together and loving each other. We can make use of the prayer shed for times of prayer and intercession. Also all this stuff I've prophesied about May-- it's not about "lets wait and see" it's always up to us to claim the promises for them to materialize (like the children of Israel making rounds in the desert before reaching the promised land and once they got there they still had to fight to take the land). So help us God. And thank You so much for Your aMAYzing Grace! (It was so cool to hear them sing that song at the Candlelight Vigil before we marched)
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Saturday, May 17, 2014
The Sound of Freedom! It is time to demolish the prison industrial complex. Yes let's put an end to mass incarceration in this nation. It's time to take down the institution of racism. It is time to bring down the empire! It is time to usher in a whole New world! Let Freedom reign! WE ARE THE REVOLUTION! IT'S A LOVE REVOLUTION!!! :D
"All of our lives, we have fought this war. Tonight I believe we can end it. Tonight is not an accident. There are no accidents. We have not come here by chance. I do not believe in chance. When I see three objectives, three captains, three ships. I do not see coincidence, I see providence. I see purpose. I believe it our fate to be here. It is our destiny. I believe this night holds for each and every one of us, the very meaning of our lives... This is a war and we are soldiers. Death can come for us at any time, in any place... Now consider the alternative. What if I am right? What if the prophecy is true? What if tomorrow the war could be over? Isn't that worth fighting for? Isn't that worth dying for? "~Morpheus, The Matrix.
Dear UCSB, UC Students, Professors, Activists, Revolutionaries, Believers, Prayer Warriors, Worshippers, Dreamers and Everybody else,
Hey! I'd like to invite you to a very special night... ONE VOICE ~ A Night of Unity this Saturday, May 17th (tonight) at 7pm at the UCSB Storke Plaza. I've made some really bold claims in the introduction of this post, well it's ABOUT TIME! This is year 5774 on the Hebrew calender which coincides with the UC school 2013-2014 year, and do you know what time it is? It's time for BOLD MOVES and BIG IDEAS. It's a year marked by lots of collaboration, lots of activism and lots of CHANGE!
"Today I feel tremors of a volcanic spirit starting to build around the world, to the cry: “Another World is Possible.”...”I wonder, if somewhere between the opposing forces of spirituality and activism, between the inner and the outer, lies a Power that’s waiting to be released...“In that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and active people becoming spiritual that the whole of humanity shall arise.” ~ Fierce Light, When Spirit Meets Action.
Why Cali? Why SB? California is special, it's a pioneer state. California has birthed many movements such as: The Black Panthers, The Hippie movement, and Christian movements such as: The Azusa Street Revival, Kathryn Kulman's healing ministry, The Jesus movement, The Catholic Renewal etc (California Generals website). Let us also zoom into Santa Barbara, "Santa Barbara is crucial for California and California is crucial for the world…"-Lou Engle, spiritual father to the Prayer Movement and founder of The Call (source: SB House of Prayer website) "UCSB is the center for the study of race in the West Coast if not the nation... There's no place better and stronger and more radical in the United States... The very institution that would be at the center of the study of race, the radical interrogation of race would be the place where you have most movements... I don't think its an accident that at the institution center of race you have black students making change. The students are more visionary and radical."- Robin D. G. Kelley (At The Mcc's Final event in the Race Matter Series in Winter 2014) And you probably have heard about the demands that UCSB BSU put forth, well you haven't hear you go BSU Demands Institutional Change, and over the summer Coalition of Justice SB was formed and they successfully organized a march and other actions on campus, also the Student Worker Coalition also had a great victory this year after lots of organizing, coalition-building and the UC-wide worker's strikes. Here are some videos I made that capture some of this history:
So now to seal the deal, and end the year with a bang another convergence needs to happen... where spirituality meets activism and that's where I come in... So my gift is that I can see the bigger picture -the future, the deeper picture ~there's another level to the struggle... the roots, and roots are spiritual not material... you can't touch stuff like greed and fear... so from my background and understanding of spiritual warfare the weapons you use to fight these is music- praising God (Praise is super-powerful coz the enemy's goal of oppressing us is to keep us from knowing God's love for us and His power over our circumstances, and also who we are in God- royalty! we have authority!), prayer (asking and believing God to do the impossible) and love (forgiving those who have wronged us, also loving people so much that you tell them the truth). Anyway, I am not asking you to do any of these. We all come from different backgrounds and we all have different gifts. What I'm asking from you is simply to come together for one night. You don't have to have the faith, I have enough faith for all of us so let's just get together.
So why is this so urgent? Let's do it for the people, and also for our own freedom as perfect love drives out fear. Things are changing in this world, the darkness is thicker than what we see. The forces of evil has wicked plans for humanity in this hour and the deception and oppression will only increase, but we are not powerless, we can fight back and with God on our side we have the victory! "Believe me when I say we have a difficult time ahead of us. But if we are to be prepared for it, we must first shed our fear of it. I stand here, before you now, truthfully unafraid. Why? Because I believe something you do not? No, I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me. I remember that for 100 years we have fought these machines. I remember that for 100 years they have sent their armies to destroy us, and after a century of war I remember that which matters most... We are still here! Today, let us send a message to that army. TOnight, let us shake this cave. Tonight, let us tremble these halls of earth, steel, and stone, let us be heard from red core to black sky. Tonight, let us make them remember, THIS IS ZION AND WE ARE NOT AFRAID!" ~Morpheus.
"All of our lives, we have fought this war. Tonight I believe we can end it. Tonight is not an accident. There are no accidents. We have not come here by chance. I do not believe in chance. When I see three objectives, three captains, three ships. I do not see coincidence, I see providence. I see purpose. I believe it our fate to be here. It is our destiny. I believe this night holds for each and every one of us, the very meaning of our lives... This is a war and we are soldiers. Death can come for us at any time, in any place... Now consider the alternative. What if I am right? What if the prophecy is true? What if tomorrow the war could be over? Isn't that worth fighting for? Isn't that worth dying for? "~Morpheus, The Matrix.
Dear UCSB, UC Students, Professors, Activists, Revolutionaries, Believers, Prayer Warriors, Worshippers, Dreamers and Everybody else,
Hey! I'd like to invite you to a very special night... ONE VOICE ~ A Night of Unity this Saturday, May 17th (tonight) at 7pm at the UCSB Storke Plaza. I've made some really bold claims in the introduction of this post, well it's ABOUT TIME! This is year 5774 on the Hebrew calender which coincides with the UC school 2013-2014 year, and do you know what time it is? It's time for BOLD MOVES and BIG IDEAS. It's a year marked by lots of collaboration, lots of activism and lots of CHANGE!
"Today I feel tremors of a volcanic spirit starting to build around the world, to the cry: “Another World is Possible.”...”I wonder, if somewhere between the opposing forces of spirituality and activism, between the inner and the outer, lies a Power that’s waiting to be released...“In that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and active people becoming spiritual that the whole of humanity shall arise.” ~ Fierce Light, When Spirit Meets Action.
This a Call for Greatness 2014!! =D
"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation."~ Mandela.
If it was possible to end the institution of racism this year wouldn't you want to be part of it? Well this is going to be a Great year for those who say Yes! This year is really significant on God's calendar coz it's the year of the open door! God is a God of Love and Justice and is all about changing the world and empowering those who have the same desire. Ok it doesn't matter if you believe that or not but I have the faith and our common struggle unites us. For huge problems such as mass incarceration, a holistic approach is necessary ... we need to work together and use all sorts of weapons to take down the empire... and I have GOOD NEWS! I have a friend in a very high place who wants to help us take down this monster. I'm from Kenya and this year is our year of Jubilee: "This fiftieth year is sacred—it is a time of Freedom and of Celebration when everyone will receive back their original property, and slaves will return home to their families."(Leviticus 25:10) When it comes to racism it's hard to think that it would come to an end coz of the issue of land and wealth allocation... but that's a God- problem... and He wants to even tackle that... but first let's focus on freedom for those in modern day slavery in American prisons... So this is what God wants us to do.... SING PRAISES! Hahaha I'm not joking though...
History Lesson: Real Identity and Midnight Hour
Ok let's back up... why does God want to solve this problem? and why now? So you see, if you've ever read the Bible God does crazy things to free his people the Israelites ... but today when we think 'Jewish' we think religion, tradition and white people. But there are 12 tribes of Israel which were scattered throughout the world and lots of migration and intermarrying... so it's more of a bloodline thing so I won't be surprised if there's Hebrew people within all ethnic groups. I don't know everything but through my experiences at UCSB (my classes and interactions with different people) and in my family, God has revealed to me that there's Hebrew blood within the following communities (I'm not saying everyone but some people) : blacks, whites, latinos (tribe of Judah, Ephraim, Benjamin respectively). Judah means Praise. I don't want to go into all the details coz the point wasn't to lecture you so you can read this post if you're interested: REAL Identity. So anyway during the end times, the dry bones (scattered people of Israel who've lost hope in God) are revived, they unite and form an army in preparation for a whole new world... an army that will break all chains of oppresion. In the end times (end of the age) God brings freedom and restoration to his people... yes even restoration of fortunes. K cool, back to application...
Why Cali? Why SB? California is special, it's a pioneer state. California has birthed many movements such as: The Black Panthers, The Hippie movement, and Christian movements such as: The Azusa Street Revival, Kathryn Kulman's healing ministry, The Jesus movement, The Catholic Renewal etc (California Generals website). Let us also zoom into Santa Barbara, "Santa Barbara is crucial for California and California is crucial for the world…"-Lou Engle, spiritual father to the Prayer Movement and founder of The Call (source: SB House of Prayer website) "UCSB is the center for the study of race in the West Coast if not the nation... There's no place better and stronger and more radical in the United States... The very institution that would be at the center of the study of race, the radical interrogation of race would be the place where you have most movements... I don't think its an accident that at the institution center of race you have black students making change. The students are more visionary and radical."- Robin D. G. Kelley (At The Mcc's Final event in the Race Matter Series in Winter 2014) And you probably have heard about the demands that UCSB BSU put forth, well you haven't hear you go BSU Demands Institutional Change, and over the summer Coalition of Justice SB was formed and they successfully organized a march and other actions on campus, also the Student Worker Coalition also had a great victory this year after lots of organizing, coalition-building and the UC-wide worker's strikes. Here are some videos I made that capture some of this history:
So why is this so urgent? Let's do it for the people, and also for our own freedom as perfect love drives out fear. Things are changing in this world, the darkness is thicker than what we see. The forces of evil has wicked plans for humanity in this hour and the deception and oppression will only increase, but we are not powerless, we can fight back and with God on our side we have the victory! "Believe me when I say we have a difficult time ahead of us. But if we are to be prepared for it, we must first shed our fear of it. I stand here, before you now, truthfully unafraid. Why? Because I believe something you do not? No, I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me. I remember that for 100 years we have fought these machines. I remember that for 100 years they have sent their armies to destroy us, and after a century of war I remember that which matters most... We are still here! Today, let us send a message to that army. TOnight, let us shake this cave. Tonight, let us tremble these halls of earth, steel, and stone, let us be heard from red core to black sky. Tonight, let us make them remember, THIS IS ZION AND WE ARE NOT AFRAID!" ~Morpheus.
So let's unite and sing a new song! All you have to do is show up. My work is to gather you, God promised me that when you show up (people who are hungry for change) He will show us His glory. I know all this sounds crazy but something similar has happened before here in California (William Seymour and the Azusa Street Revival) -- there were crazy healing miracles like arms growing out to stubborn racist hearts being humbled but this year it will be greater coz the very foundations of the earth will shake to open the prison doors bringing freedom to the captives. "For Moses, I part the waters but for you I will split rock."~The Bible series ~> In Joshua and the battle of Jericho - all they had to do is march around the city, shout and blow trumpets then God made the walls of Jericho fall down. Have you been feeling the many small earthquakes we've had around Spring Break? Around the same time there was a movement going on called "One Love" on different college campuses in California to unite people in worship. Also, it's not a coincidence that black power week fell during passover week (when the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt but God sent Moses to call out Pharoah to let them go and he was like No so God sent a series of plagues and at the last plague -the death of the Egyptian firstborn sons the Israelites were to smear lamb's blood on the doors so the angel of death passed over their houses and spared them from the plague. Then the Israelites were to be prepared for their Exodus (freedom from slavery) and it is not also a coincidence that that same week was the blood moon prophesied in Joel 2 as a sign in the heavens before the day of the LORD. And California is now expecting a huge earthquake. So let's shut this thing down shall we? ""Come, come, children, rally around, and maybe together we can make a sound that will shake the trees or rattle the ground,make strong our knees, we’s freedom bound...Reclaim the crown. Hold onto the prize, never put it down. Be firm in the stance, no break, no bow, got to forward on, Mama, make your move now. Forward on, Papa, make your move now. Forward, dear children, ’cuz FREEDOM IS NOW."~Sunni Patterson.
So once again, it's tonight at 7pm. If you can't make it at 7pm you can come at 9pm that's when we'll have food and a concert by Thaddeus Brown and Chris Baylon who are both UCSB alum, here's some of their work:
If you don't come at all. At least you now know why I am here. Just wanna give back before I finally leave this place after this quarter (oh and the other reason was friendship so let's hang out before I leave!) God bless! Peace and love! =)
Friday, May 16, 2014
So I came back to SB summer of 2013 because of unfinished business. Story of my life </3....
This is a paper I wrote for my Black Studies class: "The Obama Phenomenon" with Madison during session A. I turned it in late and it's not my best work since I was really struggling with depression for most of the session, and I told my professor, --I'll share more about that later -has to do with all the spiritual warfare that was going on-- But thankfully I finished it after he extended my deadline and I got a B- in that class. So I praise God for that! =)
In addition to what I was learning in my class and the stuff I share in my paper below... I noticed the people in my class and where they sat: Jazmin and Aracely sat in front (I met them through InterVarsity and are latinas), Taisonya, Briana Riley, Wowo and I think Alexis Wright was in the same class too and they sat in the back (I met them through BSU and are African American) and William Perschau was sitting in the middle and he's white (I met him through Cru last year when I signed up to be part of the With One Voice worship night). Why I noticed this was because these are all people that I knew on different levels yet the same level ... so when I walked into class I was always torn when it came to deciding where to sit. At first I sat in front with Jazmin and Aracely... I think that was just sticking to what became my comfort zone though that level was so unsatisfying... then I sat in the middle (a central zone I guess, not being on anyone side in attempt to be on everyone's side) then finally, and for the rest of the class I sat near the back, like a row or two in front of Tai and them. I just so longed for community it was just hard to initiate coz the hard part was changing how we interacted in the past... yeah and being vulnerable and showing my heart. But thankfully I got to hang out with Tai for a bit before she graduated and left....anyway back to the main story:
So the yeah before God had taught me a lot of things through prophecy REAL Identity (God's "affirmative action" plan for Unity & Christ Supremacy. Dry bones [Jewish ancestry] among some whites, Latinos and people of African descent) and The Beast & The Big Boys (The upcoming New World Order & the identity of the Anti-Christ & his false prophet) andREVOLUTION (America's Real Identity. The devil's deception & Upcoming judgement) and lastly To Be Human Again (God's great plans for His people. His army.)... so yeah He was revealing to me the bigger picture of the time we're living in and the time we're quickly going into. And I got more confirmation through the classes I was taking that's why I wanna share my papers. This paper is about the new world order and the anti-christ who's among us already. And I'm sharing not to scare you but to prepare you,... though times are changing our hope and security can be found in relationship with Jesus and abiding in love. So let's get ready!! =)
"We Are the Generation that will declare to the world that CHANGE IS COMING!!" Post by William McDowell music.
Is America a post-racial society? What is the significance of the "Obama phenomenon"? What is the future of this nation? Is it possible to end racism? What would it take to achieve this feat? What would it mean for the American people, especially for black community, and what impact would it make on the world? Could anything good come out of the history of slavery? Was there a greater purpose? This paper attempts to answer all these questions both objectively and subjectively with a focus on the significance of black activism (not just in the past but in the present), reformation, revolution and reconciliation. The black church plays a significant role in leading the revolution that would change the face of America and the world through advocacy and protest, music and the arts, and also through choosing non-violent resistance and opting to forgive and initiating reconciliation. My unique approach in itself is a protest to Western objectivist education. “Educational institutions, more often than not, reward conformity to the prevailing standards. Educational institutions are not widely known for encouraging boat rockers....” (Orr 231) “We are accustomed to seeing things the way we do. We’re not trained to care about how others see the world” (Deggans 231). I believe that if we want to make progress as a nation, if we want to see true and lasting change in the world we must not ignore the different approaches to solving problems; different approaches as a result of cultural and individual differences. We must have a holistic view of the problem and as well as the solutions. So in this paper I will use my cultural perspective as an African woman living in America, my spiritual perspective as a black female who loves Jesus using the Bible as a historic and prophetic book, as well as my perspective as a young college student who’s about to graduate.
To begin with, the United States of America is known to be a super-power and in the words of Professor Madison, “The U.S is the greatest empire in the history of the world. "In the Book of Daniel, Daniel is summoned by King Nebuchadnezzar to interpret this dream that he had about an ernomous statue: “The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay...” (Daniel 2: 32-35). Daniel went ahead and shared the interpretation he received from God, which was that each of the elements in the different parts of the statue represented a different kingdom that would rise and rule/greatly influence the world, as well as the characteristics of it’s subjects and rulers. In describing the last kingdom he said, “And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.” I believe that the fourth and last kingdom he saw was America, which fits Madison’s description of America as an empire. America is a mixed kingdom (multi-ethnic and multi-cultural) and though it is known as the “United States of America,” the disunity and inequalities that exist are obvious.
Madison went on to explain,"The U.S is the greatest empire in the history of the world. That’s why it takes great strides to protect it’s resources... We have aircraft carriers everywhere to “protect empire.” The president of the U.S. is the head of the empire... Obama can destroy the whole world with one phone call.” [Update 2014: In Madison's Civil Right's Class early thie Spring, he said: "The European Union is trying to put on a template like the U.S. they are trying but failing. The U.S. is the most powerful empire in the history of the world because we have something nobody else ever had => 'Global Reach.' We are the only nation in the planet that has dropped thermonuclear power on people... Our empire is laid on the foundation of race.] In the book of Daniel and also the book of Revelation, the ruler of the fourth and last kingdom is the person who is now known as "the anti-Christ" because he is prophesied to have a boastful mouth that will spew blasphemies against God and he will also wage war agaisnt the followers of Jesus Christ ... and really because the anti-christ would be against the Kingdom of God - which is a form of government based on righteousness, justice, love, equality and freedom for all, under the leadership of Jesus (Yeshua) the Lion of Judah and the returning messiah. (Daniel 7 and Revelation 13) {Ok let's break... i know I may have lost many of you already. You can check out the post: "The Kingdoms" for an overview of the 2 kingdoms that are exist --the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of Heaven-- and who the rulers are and how they role) So if we are in the fourth kingdom and America is the fourth kingdom before major change takes place (new world order vs. Kingdom of heaven on earth) then ruler of the fourth kingdom is the anti-christ. The "Obama phenomenon" has now gone to another level so let's take it down a notch...
Some people believe that America is a post-racial society since we now have a black president but that's not true because institution of racism still exists. Obama rose to power as he delivered a message of hope. His speeches always contained the theme of unity. He emphasized the common challenges faced by black and white people. But there are two sides of Obama: an inspirational message and deal-making (Obama’s Deal). Most people just focus on his message of hope and do not see his inner toughness. In the movie, "Dreams of Obama" we see that Obama emerged from unlikely circumstances. But he was a man that was on a fast track- > a two year plan to put him on the highest peak. He is charisma driven and his iconic image blinds us from the fact that he rose from machine-like politics. Obama is said to have “a velvet glove around a steel fist” since he is capable of bruising and soothing (Obama’s Deal). This is also a characteristic of the kingdom that Daniel saw, “As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.” (Daniel 2: 42) As Madison would say, “ Obama is a dangerous, nasty man” once he takes off his velvet glove and uses his steel fist. An example of a such an instance is in the “capturing” of Osama bin Laden. He told the nation it was an operation to capture him yet he really intended it to be an operation to kill bin Laden which he did. Daniel said, “Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others,” (Daniel 2:40) which demonstrates the effect of the president using his steel fist around the world to protect the U.S.A empire. The book of Revelation also describes the ruler of the fourth kingdom (the anti-christ) as having some of the same characteristics of the rulers of the empires that came before him:
If this nation was built on the foundation of racism, what would it take to end racism? A
revolution would be necessary. “Change won’t come from the top. Change will come from a mobilized grassroots” (Dreams of Obama). "We learnt something about the people of this country... the time for rich white male to vote for other rich white males has come to an end. We need another party that is going to be antiracist and feminist."-Angela Davis. In the conclusion of his interpretation Daniel mentioned that, “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever,” which I see as a revolution led by people who are oppressed. I believe that it is the black church that leads this revolution. Looking at American history, “The black church became the home base for revolution. Freedom and equality made up the central theme of the black church; and protest and action were the early marks of its uniqueness, as the black man fought for freedom” (Stewart,100). James Cone writes about “Black liberation theology,” as seeing God as concerned with the poor and the weak and that justice for the poor is at the very heart of the gospel (NPR). In reference to Daniel’s last statement, it is God, who has preferential option for the poor and the oppressed, who empowers the black church to take a stand against racism and other systems of injustice and inequalities in this nation, exposing such systems and advocating for change. “Any serious analysis of the African American church must consider how it has ingeniously equipped black people with spiritual and cultural survival skills along with developing a social philosophy of protest, which translates into movements for freedom and social change. Virtually every major movement for social freedom for African Americans has been influenced by the black church. From slavery to Jim Crow to Civil Rights, the black church had been a powerful source for social change in America.” (Stewart, 103)
In answer to the questions posed, “Could anything good come out of the history of slavery? Was there a greater purpose?” as much as it is hard to even try to explain black suffering, black theologists would say yes. The greater purpose was for the black people in America to lead this revolution that would change the fate of the world, similar to Bible stories of Moses who God called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and a more relevant example would be the story of Joseph who was sold as a slave to Egypt by his own brothers then he got a small promotion but then was accused falsely and thrown into prison and then in one day, because his God-given gift to interpret dreams, he rose to power --in one day he went from being a prisoner to the second in command in Egypt and saved the whole of Egypt from famine as well as His Israelite family. Joseph told his brothers who sold him into slavery, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (Genesis 50:20) So by the black church protesting against systems of injustice, and working towards justice and equality, their efforts are infact favoring the preservation of the black community as well as everyone else’s and also shielding America from the wrath and judgements from God who is concerned with their suffering. “By evoking an awareness of God’s presence and power, African-Americans establish a context for communal history and empowerment through God’s revelation and a framework for shaping a trajectory of belief and praxis that ensures their long-term liberation and survival.” (black spirituality, p.81) Therefore, the black church believes that there is a purpose to everything, even their history of forced migration into America. “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ (Acts 17: 24-28) (Related post: Colors of the Wind)
Moreover, not only does the black church lead the revolution through advocacy and protest, but also through music and the arts. In his book “Ethics for the new millenium,” the Dalai Lama talks about the necessity of a “spiritual revolution” (Dalai Lama 17) “Spiritual freedom is the infrastructure to social and political freedom. The soul must be freely inwardly to strike outwardly for positive change.” (Stewart 13) The main method through which the black community expresses spiritual freedom from the destructive forces of racism, is through music and the arts. Creativity becomes the means through freedom is fought for, achieved and spread. "We can transform our world by imagining it differently, dreaming it passionately via all our senses, and willing it into creation. As we think inspiring, positive, life-generating thoughts and embody these thoughts in every act we perform, we can gradually change the mood of our days, the habits of years, and the beliefs of a lifetime....Let's use art and imagination to discover how we feel and think and help us respond to the world. It is in nepantla that we write and make art, bearing witness to the attempt to achieve resolution and balance where they may be none in real life." (Gloria Anzaldua)
Furthermore, the black church leads the revolution that would change the face of America and the world not just through advocacy and protest, music and the arts, but also through choosing non-violent resistance and opting to forgive the white man who has oppressed black people for so long by supporting the institution of racism and modern day slavery: Mass Incarceration. “Freedom from hatred, self-destruction, and violence as a legitimate response to oppression is one of the greatest assets of African American spirituality.” (Stewart 110) Knowing that God is a God of Justice and as the people cry out for Justice God will hear and respond my bringing judgement on the land leads to a birth of compassion for the oppressors and can facilitate forgiveness as well as intercession (praying for the oppressor). It is through forgiveness and reconciliation that unity will be achieved. So in essense it is a RIGHTEOUS REVOLUTION and WORSHIP MOVEMENT, a LOVE MOVEMENT led by the oppressed that will bring the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth.
Another factor that is imperative for unity to form is a common bond. That is why I believe that if the institution of racism as well as segregation (that is still prevalent even though the law was abolished) is going to end it needs to start with the church. Educational institutions, for example universities, offers information, resources and the space to learn about different people and cultures and to interact with them in the class setting as well as outside in different clubs and organizations, events or in the dorms and other living areas. However, as much as this is a great achievement, I think that the eradication of racism and segregation needs a deeper level of commitment and this level of commitment which is crucial, cannot be achieved unless there’s a bond that requires people to commit. I think that bond is the bond of faith. This then leads to another element, that is, the need for a “spiritual renewal” in the American church (Orr 59). Once the church embodies a multi-ethnic, racially reconciled community through the bond of Christ, it can then make an impact on the world. In the New Testament of the Bible, the early church is described as such a community in Acts 2: 42-47, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer... All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need...They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” The early church was attracitve to the outsiders because of how they lived and loved each other even though they came from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. A pastor of a church in California called Bethel posed this challenge for the church,"We have failed to realize that Jesus founded the women's liberation movement more than two thousand years ago. Isn't it high time His Church led the revolution?"
And here's an excerpt from "Letter from a Birmgham Jail" by MLK, "There was a time when the church was very powerful--in the time when the early Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society. Whenever the early Christians entered a town, the people in power became disturbed and immediately sought to convict the Christians for being "disturbers of the peace" and "outside agitators."' But the Christians pressed on, in the conviction that they were "a colony of heaven," called to obey God rather than man. Small in number, they were big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be "astronomically intimidated." By their effort and example they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contests. Things are different now. So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an archdefender of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the church's silent--and often even vocal--sanction of things as they are."
And now to switch gears and focus on the present... if we really are in the fourth and last kingdom before a whole new era comes into play, “the end of the age” as some may call it, what are the markers that show the revolution that would happen in the transition period? Well there's lots of markers like the ones I've shared and from many other sectors such as climate change, economic collapse being predicted in the future, and many natural disasters that all point to the end of the age. But what of revolution? It would be best to observe the young people because they are the most hungry for change. In 1968 was declared "A Global Year of Student- Driven Change" and I believe that this school year 2013-2014 will also be declared a global year of student-driven change, the revolution that will change the world. And like I have argued, this revolution will be influenced by the church but by "church" I do not mean the building neither the institution as the instituition itself is also affected by the same ills that plague society... and I'm also not talking about religious folk... I am talking about a people who have tapped into their God-given identity and calling, believers in God's power, a generation of seekers of God's intervention and His reign on earth... a generation tapped into their DESTINY.
So yeah, let's zoom into the young people... and let's also zoom into the state of California. California has birthed many movements such as: The Black Panthers, The Hippie movement, and Christian movements such as: The Azusa Street Revival, Kathryn Kulman's healing ministry, The Jesus movement, The Catholic Renewal etc (California Generals website). Let us also zoom into Santa Barbara, "Santa Barbara is crucial for California and California is crucial for the world…"-Lou Engle, spiritual father to the Prayer Movement and founder of The Call (source: SB House of Prayer website) "UCSB is the center for the study of race in the West Coast if not the nation... There's no place better and stronger and more radical in the United States... The very institution that would be at the center of the study of race, the radical interrogation of race would be the place where you have most movements... I don't think its an accident that at the institution center of race you have black students making change. The students are more visionary and radical."- Robin D. G. Kelley (At The Mcc's Final event in the Race Matter Series in Winter 2014) So what does race have to do with it? And how does spirituality even fit into this conversation? Well, "Heaven" is believed to be a place where people of different ethnic groups and various cultural backgrounds dwell in complete unity. From the Biblical account it is described as a place where justice and freedom reigns. Full of perfect love, joy and peace. So in heaven there is no racism, sexism, ageism, and all those other -isms. There is no oppression at all. No sickness and no death. People live in harmony with the environment. There is education equality. There is no darkness at all. It may seem crazy to believe that such a concept can actually exist but that's what the students at UCSB have been calling forth (post: Calling Down Heaven).
In the 1970's Kathryn Kulman a famous miracle worker prophesied that one day a great awakening would come out of Santa Barbara and would spread to the whole world. In 2011 numerous people in various christian groups at UCSB and churches in Santa Barbara shared dreams and visions about a near revival coming to Santa Barbara. The school year that begun in 2012 has been marked by student activism in California and especially here at UCSB and the momentum picked up into the 2013-2014 school year. Last school year UCSB BSU issued forth a set of demands for institutional change with great results. Here's more info about that and the demands that have been met so far: BSU Demands Institutional Change, in the summer the Coalition of Justice SB was formed in response to the Trayvon Martin case verdict and they had various actions on campus, this year the Student Worker Coalition at UCSB achieved a great victory after putting on various worker's strikes.
The times are changing, the atmosphere is changing, work is being done, change is coming very soon. We will soon see the fruit of the hard labor of the year and for all of those who came before us. The Bible says that when reconciliation and unity happens within the church, the glory of God, which is doubted by many in the West, shall be made manifest. There is power in love. Solidarity breaks chains. It's time to seal the deal so let all the freedom fighters and prayer warriors, all the dreamers and believers, let us all come together and call forth the reign of heaven. Let us tap into our God-given weapons of spiritual warfare to destroy the very roots that uphold the institutions that we are fighting against, everything that hinders love. True Justice will come from above. But we are not powerless let us unlock the power within by releasing Praises to God, singing and dancing, expressing and affirming our existence and authority on this planet. Then watch and see God act on our behalf, surely the earth will shake, mountains shall be moved and a new song shall be heard throughout out the land. So let's rise up and SING A NEW SONG!
(Summary: So the point of sharing about the coming New World Order and the Anti-Christ prophesied about in the Bible is not to scare you but to show you that there is more going on than meets the eye so if we really want change we need to know what we are up against, we need to work together using all the tools to dismantle the empire that's why a spiritual revolution is not just a suggestion but it is unavoidable and mandatory. And if you want to see something that's never been done doesn't it make sense to do something you've never considered doing? Cool! Let's do this =)
The Holy Bible, New International Version Copyright © 2001, "" Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.
Stewart, Carlyle Fielding, Black Spirituality and Black Consciousness: soul force, culture and freedom in the African-American experience, Eritrea: Africa World Press,Inc. 1999.
Orr, David. Hope is an Imperative: the Essential David Orr. Washington: Island Press, 2010.
The Dalai Lama, “Ethics for the New Millennium” New York: The Berkley Publishing Group, 1999.
Madison, The Obama Phenomenon class notes, Summer 2013.
Frontline, Obama’s Deal video:
Deggans, Eric. How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation. Palgrave Macmillan, October 2012.
1968 Take-Over article: ""
Califonia Generals article:
This is a paper I wrote for my Black Studies class: "The Obama Phenomenon" with Madison during session A. I turned it in late and it's not my best work since I was really struggling with depression for most of the session, and I told my professor, --I'll share more about that later -has to do with all the spiritual warfare that was going on-- But thankfully I finished it after he extended my deadline and I got a B- in that class. So I praise God for that! =)
In addition to what I was learning in my class and the stuff I share in my paper below... I noticed the people in my class and where they sat: Jazmin and Aracely sat in front (I met them through InterVarsity and are latinas), Taisonya, Briana Riley, Wowo and I think Alexis Wright was in the same class too and they sat in the back (I met them through BSU and are African American) and William Perschau was sitting in the middle and he's white (I met him through Cru last year when I signed up to be part of the With One Voice worship night). Why I noticed this was because these are all people that I knew on different levels yet the same level ... so when I walked into class I was always torn when it came to deciding where to sit. At first I sat in front with Jazmin and Aracely... I think that was just sticking to what became my comfort zone though that level was so unsatisfying... then I sat in the middle (a central zone I guess, not being on anyone side in attempt to be on everyone's side) then finally, and for the rest of the class I sat near the back, like a row or two in front of Tai and them. I just so longed for community it was just hard to initiate coz the hard part was changing how we interacted in the past... yeah and being vulnerable and showing my heart. But thankfully I got to hang out with Tai for a bit before she graduated and left....anyway back to the main story:
So the yeah before God had taught me a lot of things through prophecy REAL Identity (God's "affirmative action" plan for Unity & Christ Supremacy. Dry bones [Jewish ancestry] among some whites, Latinos and people of African descent) and The Beast & The Big Boys (The upcoming New World Order & the identity of the Anti-Christ & his false prophet) andREVOLUTION (America's Real Identity. The devil's deception & Upcoming judgement) and lastly To Be Human Again (God's great plans for His people. His army.)... so yeah He was revealing to me the bigger picture of the time we're living in and the time we're quickly going into. And I got more confirmation through the classes I was taking that's why I wanna share my papers. This paper is about the new world order and the anti-christ who's among us already. And I'm sharing not to scare you but to prepare you,... though times are changing our hope and security can be found in relationship with Jesus and abiding in love. So let's get ready!! =)
"We Are the Generation that will declare to the world that CHANGE IS COMING!!" Post by William McDowell music.
Changing Times
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." -Prince Akeem, Coming to America.
To begin with, the United States of America is known to be a super-power and in the words of Professor Madison, “The U.S is the greatest empire in the history of the world. "In the Book of Daniel, Daniel is summoned by King Nebuchadnezzar to interpret this dream that he had about an ernomous statue: “The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay...” (Daniel 2: 32-35). Daniel went ahead and shared the interpretation he received from God, which was that each of the elements in the different parts of the statue represented a different kingdom that would rise and rule/greatly influence the world, as well as the characteristics of it’s subjects and rulers. In describing the last kingdom he said, “And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.” I believe that the fourth and last kingdom he saw was America, which fits Madison’s description of America as an empire. America is a mixed kingdom (multi-ethnic and multi-cultural) and though it is known as the “United States of America,” the disunity and inequalities that exist are obvious.
Madison went on to explain,"The U.S is the greatest empire in the history of the world. That’s why it takes great strides to protect it’s resources... We have aircraft carriers everywhere to “protect empire.” The president of the U.S. is the head of the empire... Obama can destroy the whole world with one phone call.” [Update 2014: In Madison's Civil Right's Class early thie Spring, he said: "The European Union is trying to put on a template like the U.S. they are trying but failing. The U.S. is the most powerful empire in the history of the world because we have something nobody else ever had => 'Global Reach.' We are the only nation in the planet that has dropped thermonuclear power on people... Our empire is laid on the foundation of race.] In the book of Daniel and also the book of Revelation, the ruler of the fourth and last kingdom is the person who is now known as "the anti-Christ" because he is prophesied to have a boastful mouth that will spew blasphemies against God and he will also wage war agaisnt the followers of Jesus Christ ... and really because the anti-christ would be against the Kingdom of God - which is a form of government based on righteousness, justice, love, equality and freedom for all, under the leadership of Jesus (Yeshua) the Lion of Judah and the returning messiah. (Daniel 7 and Revelation 13) {Ok let's break... i know I may have lost many of you already. You can check out the post: "The Kingdoms" for an overview of the 2 kingdoms that are exist --the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of Heaven-- and who the rulers are and how they role) So if we are in the fourth kingdom and America is the fourth kingdom before major change takes place (new world order vs. Kingdom of heaven on earth) then ruler of the fourth kingdom is the anti-christ. The "Obama phenomenon" has now gone to another level so let's take it down a notch...
Some people believe that America is a post-racial society since we now have a black president but that's not true because institution of racism still exists. Obama rose to power as he delivered a message of hope. His speeches always contained the theme of unity. He emphasized the common challenges faced by black and white people. But there are two sides of Obama: an inspirational message and deal-making (Obama’s Deal). Most people just focus on his message of hope and do not see his inner toughness. In the movie, "Dreams of Obama" we see that Obama emerged from unlikely circumstances. But he was a man that was on a fast track- > a two year plan to put him on the highest peak. He is charisma driven and his iconic image blinds us from the fact that he rose from machine-like politics. Obama is said to have “a velvet glove around a steel fist” since he is capable of bruising and soothing (Obama’s Deal). This is also a characteristic of the kingdom that Daniel saw, “As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.” (Daniel 2: 42) As Madison would say, “ Obama is a dangerous, nasty man” once he takes off his velvet glove and uses his steel fist. An example of a such an instance is in the “capturing” of Osama bin Laden. He told the nation it was an operation to capture him yet he really intended it to be an operation to kill bin Laden which he did. Daniel said, “Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others,” (Daniel 2:40) which demonstrates the effect of the president using his steel fist around the world to protect the U.S.A empire. The book of Revelation also describes the ruler of the fourth kingdom (the anti-christ) as having some of the same characteristics of the rulers of the empires that came before him:
- Leopard man: Chapter 13 says the beast looked like a leopard- So that's it's main feature, and also a characteristic of the 3rd kingdom. I decided to look up the topic of the leopard in the Topical Bible and I found this to be interesting... "The leopard is a beautiful animal, though very savage and cruel." This feeds into the whole double-sided nature of Obama and the characteristic of the anti-christ. "It is just so with the leopard; and it can creep along too, as softly as a cat, and run up a tree after a monkey, as easily as a cat does after a bird. It lives mostly upon young antelopes and deer, and it often lies still a long time watching one till it comes near, and then springs out upon it". <- That especially caught my attention because that's one of things that Scar says in the "Be Prepared" song (post: The Beast and the big boys) And that also speaks into how Obama has evolved from when he was elected and not met many of the expectations of especially the younger generation of voters who were all for him. "The first election was one of promise... but we just voted for another president of the Imperialist United States of America." ~ Angela Davis.
- Spots appeal: Another thing about the leopard: "beautifully spotted with a diversity of colors" and "It is found in Southern Asia and Africa." If you've read Obama's books or books about him you get to learn his background... how his mom is white and his dad, black and from Kenya, and how he lived in Hawaii with his grandparents... So yeah he has a diversity of identities and cultural perspectives and experiences which is so genius coz it feeds into this whole "Obama phenomenon" lots of people around the world routing for him since they feel like he can relate with them. And what a good candidate for the ruler who will usher in the new world order (aka anti-christ regime)... he's on his second term and so close to revealing his large iron teeth and "bear feet" -other characteristic of the beast... and his mouth of a lion -- well we've had a taste of that already, his swag, humor and charisma... but be prepared leopards sure are stealthy. So yeah so far, he's the man suited for the job (just like Geston was in The Beast and the Big boys post)
- New world order- So coz he's got spots appeal, he really does know how to play his game and work his magic to win the people's support. So he came in campaigning to tackle the healthcare system in America so Obamacare now's going to be introduced. Everyone's accesibility to healthcare is great, don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to hate on my own kind, I want to be a doctor and serve the underserved, I'm against capitalism... then where am I going with this... you see, the problems we are tackling right now are global problems and some of the solutions we coming up with are in essence what will make up the new world order <- and that doesn't sound so bad right? Well that is what introduces and spreads what the Bible warns us is "the mark of the beast"which no one will be allowed to buy or sell without it (get's rid of cash -> less paper as a solution to environmental issues and also for the government to keep track of you). In the Beast and the big boys post it was prophesied that the mark of the beast, the RFID chip will be introduced through Obamacare as a medical id then later will be required for everything else!
- In the Bible, when Daniel and later John were having visions about this 4th kingdom they were terrified and they mention that this empire is different from all the rest... So what makes it so different? The anti-christ gets his authority from the dragon (the devil) and leads people to worship him. K I wanna move on so you can check out this video for more info on what that RFID chip actually does and why it's so evil and exposes more lies (such as how this is a christian nation... most of the founding fathers were actually free masons and places like DC is filled with masonic symbols and certain masonic rituals that took place such as the 9/11 "terrorist attack" K let's move on...
If this nation was built on the foundation of racism, what would it take to end racism? A
revolution would be necessary. “Change won’t come from the top. Change will come from a mobilized grassroots” (Dreams of Obama). "We learnt something about the people of this country... the time for rich white male to vote for other rich white males has come to an end. We need another party that is going to be antiracist and feminist."-Angela Davis. In the conclusion of his interpretation Daniel mentioned that, “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever,” which I see as a revolution led by people who are oppressed. I believe that it is the black church that leads this revolution. Looking at American history, “The black church became the home base for revolution. Freedom and equality made up the central theme of the black church; and protest and action were the early marks of its uniqueness, as the black man fought for freedom” (Stewart,100). James Cone writes about “Black liberation theology,” as seeing God as concerned with the poor and the weak and that justice for the poor is at the very heart of the gospel (NPR). In reference to Daniel’s last statement, it is God, who has preferential option for the poor and the oppressed, who empowers the black church to take a stand against racism and other systems of injustice and inequalities in this nation, exposing such systems and advocating for change. “Any serious analysis of the African American church must consider how it has ingeniously equipped black people with spiritual and cultural survival skills along with developing a social philosophy of protest, which translates into movements for freedom and social change. Virtually every major movement for social freedom for African Americans has been influenced by the black church. From slavery to Jim Crow to Civil Rights, the black church had been a powerful source for social change in America.” (Stewart, 103)
In answer to the questions posed, “Could anything good come out of the history of slavery? Was there a greater purpose?” as much as it is hard to even try to explain black suffering, black theologists would say yes. The greater purpose was for the black people in America to lead this revolution that would change the fate of the world, similar to Bible stories of Moses who God called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and a more relevant example would be the story of Joseph who was sold as a slave to Egypt by his own brothers then he got a small promotion but then was accused falsely and thrown into prison and then in one day, because his God-given gift to interpret dreams, he rose to power --in one day he went from being a prisoner to the second in command in Egypt and saved the whole of Egypt from famine as well as His Israelite family. Joseph told his brothers who sold him into slavery, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (Genesis 50:20) So by the black church protesting against systems of injustice, and working towards justice and equality, their efforts are infact favoring the preservation of the black community as well as everyone else’s and also shielding America from the wrath and judgements from God who is concerned with their suffering. “By evoking an awareness of God’s presence and power, African-Americans establish a context for communal history and empowerment through God’s revelation and a framework for shaping a trajectory of belief and praxis that ensures their long-term liberation and survival.” (black spirituality, p.81) Therefore, the black church believes that there is a purpose to everything, even their history of forced migration into America. “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ (Acts 17: 24-28) (Related post: Colors of the Wind)
Moreover, not only does the black church lead the revolution through advocacy and protest, but also through music and the arts. In his book “Ethics for the new millenium,” the Dalai Lama talks about the necessity of a “spiritual revolution” (Dalai Lama 17) “Spiritual freedom is the infrastructure to social and political freedom. The soul must be freely inwardly to strike outwardly for positive change.” (Stewart 13) The main method through which the black community expresses spiritual freedom from the destructive forces of racism, is through music and the arts. Creativity becomes the means through freedom is fought for, achieved and spread. "We can transform our world by imagining it differently, dreaming it passionately via all our senses, and willing it into creation. As we think inspiring, positive, life-generating thoughts and embody these thoughts in every act we perform, we can gradually change the mood of our days, the habits of years, and the beliefs of a lifetime....Let's use art and imagination to discover how we feel and think and help us respond to the world. It is in nepantla that we write and make art, bearing witness to the attempt to achieve resolution and balance where they may be none in real life." (Gloria Anzaldua)
Furthermore, the black church leads the revolution that would change the face of America and the world not just through advocacy and protest, music and the arts, but also through choosing non-violent resistance and opting to forgive the white man who has oppressed black people for so long by supporting the institution of racism and modern day slavery: Mass Incarceration. “Freedom from hatred, self-destruction, and violence as a legitimate response to oppression is one of the greatest assets of African American spirituality.” (Stewart 110) Knowing that God is a God of Justice and as the people cry out for Justice God will hear and respond my bringing judgement on the land leads to a birth of compassion for the oppressors and can facilitate forgiveness as well as intercession (praying for the oppressor). It is through forgiveness and reconciliation that unity will be achieved. So in essense it is a RIGHTEOUS REVOLUTION and WORSHIP MOVEMENT, a LOVE MOVEMENT led by the oppressed that will bring the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth.
Another factor that is imperative for unity to form is a common bond. That is why I believe that if the institution of racism as well as segregation (that is still prevalent even though the law was abolished) is going to end it needs to start with the church. Educational institutions, for example universities, offers information, resources and the space to learn about different people and cultures and to interact with them in the class setting as well as outside in different clubs and organizations, events or in the dorms and other living areas. However, as much as this is a great achievement, I think that the eradication of racism and segregation needs a deeper level of commitment and this level of commitment which is crucial, cannot be achieved unless there’s a bond that requires people to commit. I think that bond is the bond of faith. This then leads to another element, that is, the need for a “spiritual renewal” in the American church (Orr 59). Once the church embodies a multi-ethnic, racially reconciled community through the bond of Christ, it can then make an impact on the world. In the New Testament of the Bible, the early church is described as such a community in Acts 2: 42-47, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer... All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need...They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” The early church was attracitve to the outsiders because of how they lived and loved each other even though they came from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. A pastor of a church in California called Bethel posed this challenge for the church,"We have failed to realize that Jesus founded the women's liberation movement more than two thousand years ago. Isn't it high time His Church led the revolution?"
And here's an excerpt from "Letter from a Birmgham Jail" by MLK, "There was a time when the church was very powerful--in the time when the early Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society. Whenever the early Christians entered a town, the people in power became disturbed and immediately sought to convict the Christians for being "disturbers of the peace" and "outside agitators."' But the Christians pressed on, in the conviction that they were "a colony of heaven," called to obey God rather than man. Small in number, they were big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be "astronomically intimidated." By their effort and example they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contests. Things are different now. So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an archdefender of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the church's silent--and often even vocal--sanction of things as they are."
And now to switch gears and focus on the present... if we really are in the fourth and last kingdom before a whole new era comes into play, “the end of the age” as some may call it, what are the markers that show the revolution that would happen in the transition period? Well there's lots of markers like the ones I've shared and from many other sectors such as climate change, economic collapse being predicted in the future, and many natural disasters that all point to the end of the age. But what of revolution? It would be best to observe the young people because they are the most hungry for change. In 1968 was declared "A Global Year of Student- Driven Change" and I believe that this school year 2013-2014 will also be declared a global year of student-driven change, the revolution that will change the world. And like I have argued, this revolution will be influenced by the church but by "church" I do not mean the building neither the institution as the instituition itself is also affected by the same ills that plague society... and I'm also not talking about religious folk... I am talking about a people who have tapped into their God-given identity and calling, believers in God's power, a generation of seekers of God's intervention and His reign on earth... a generation tapped into their DESTINY.
So yeah, let's zoom into the young people... and let's also zoom into the state of California. California has birthed many movements such as: The Black Panthers, The Hippie movement, and Christian movements such as: The Azusa Street Revival, Kathryn Kulman's healing ministry, The Jesus movement, The Catholic Renewal etc (California Generals website). Let us also zoom into Santa Barbara, "Santa Barbara is crucial for California and California is crucial for the world…"-Lou Engle, spiritual father to the Prayer Movement and founder of The Call (source: SB House of Prayer website) "UCSB is the center for the study of race in the West Coast if not the nation... There's no place better and stronger and more radical in the United States... The very institution that would be at the center of the study of race, the radical interrogation of race would be the place where you have most movements... I don't think its an accident that at the institution center of race you have black students making change. The students are more visionary and radical."- Robin D. G. Kelley (At The Mcc's Final event in the Race Matter Series in Winter 2014) So what does race have to do with it? And how does spirituality even fit into this conversation? Well, "Heaven" is believed to be a place where people of different ethnic groups and various cultural backgrounds dwell in complete unity. From the Biblical account it is described as a place where justice and freedom reigns. Full of perfect love, joy and peace. So in heaven there is no racism, sexism, ageism, and all those other -isms. There is no oppression at all. No sickness and no death. People live in harmony with the environment. There is education equality. There is no darkness at all. It may seem crazy to believe that such a concept can actually exist but that's what the students at UCSB have been calling forth (post: Calling Down Heaven).
In the 1970's Kathryn Kulman a famous miracle worker prophesied that one day a great awakening would come out of Santa Barbara and would spread to the whole world. In 2011 numerous people in various christian groups at UCSB and churches in Santa Barbara shared dreams and visions about a near revival coming to Santa Barbara. The school year that begun in 2012 has been marked by student activism in California and especially here at UCSB and the momentum picked up into the 2013-2014 school year. Last school year UCSB BSU issued forth a set of demands for institutional change with great results. Here's more info about that and the demands that have been met so far: BSU Demands Institutional Change, in the summer the Coalition of Justice SB was formed in response to the Trayvon Martin case verdict and they had various actions on campus, this year the Student Worker Coalition at UCSB achieved a great victory after putting on various worker's strikes.
The times are changing, the atmosphere is changing, work is being done, change is coming very soon. We will soon see the fruit of the hard labor of the year and for all of those who came before us. The Bible says that when reconciliation and unity happens within the church, the glory of God, which is doubted by many in the West, shall be made manifest. There is power in love. Solidarity breaks chains. It's time to seal the deal so let all the freedom fighters and prayer warriors, all the dreamers and believers, let us all come together and call forth the reign of heaven. Let us tap into our God-given weapons of spiritual warfare to destroy the very roots that uphold the institutions that we are fighting against, everything that hinders love. True Justice will come from above. But we are not powerless let us unlock the power within by releasing Praises to God, singing and dancing, expressing and affirming our existence and authority on this planet. Then watch and see God act on our behalf, surely the earth will shake, mountains shall be moved and a new song shall be heard throughout out the land. So let's rise up and SING A NEW SONG!
(Summary: So the point of sharing about the coming New World Order and the Anti-Christ prophesied about in the Bible is not to scare you but to show you that there is more going on than meets the eye so if we really want change we need to know what we are up against, we need to work together using all the tools to dismantle the empire that's why a spiritual revolution is not just a suggestion but it is unavoidable and mandatory. And if you want to see something that's never been done doesn't it make sense to do something you've never considered doing? Cool! Let's do this =)
Works Cited
Stewart, Carlyle Fielding, Black Spirituality and Black Consciousness: soul force, culture and freedom in the African-American experience, Eritrea: Africa World Press,Inc. 1999.
Orr, David. Hope is an Imperative: the Essential David Orr. Washington: Island Press, 2010.
The Dalai Lama, “Ethics for the New Millennium” New York: The Berkley Publishing Group, 1999.
Madison, The Obama Phenomenon class notes, Summer 2013.
Frontline, Obama’s Deal video:
Deggans, Eric. How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation. Palgrave Macmillan, October 2012.
1968 Take-Over article: ""
Califonia Generals article:
I haven't watched this but I saw the title which was more confirmation so feel free to take it from her or anyone else. But the point is it's time to seek God for ourselves coz things are changing as we speak and more change is coming SOON and VERY SOON! LET'S WAKE UP EVERYONE PLEASE! Love, Charlene.
P.S: Feel free to ask any questions or to comment. It's time to get to know the Real Jesus personally because He is coming really soon, not as a lamb but as a lion to bring Justice and empower His people. Let's be on the winning side! =) post: FULL Armor of God.
"See, a King will reign in righteousness and rulers will rule with justice. Each one will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land.Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen. The fearful heart will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear. No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected. For fools speak folly, their hearts are bent on evil: They practice ungodliness and spread error concerning the Lord; the hungry they leave empty and from the thirsty they withhold water. Scoundrels use wicked methods, they make up evil schemes to destroy the poor with lies, even when the plea of the needy is just. But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand." (Isaiah 32: 1-8) (post: REAL Identity)
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