
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer TIME! =)

It's Summer time! ☼ ...So I like to share stuff I'm learning and experiencing through writing (my statues on facebook, photos also on my blog) but it's been a while since I've let that flow freely. Why? Different reasons: I've been busy, my computer has been complaining (it overheats a lot so I have to keep restarting it and it refused to open my iphoto so it takes more time for me to upload and edit my pictures)... but mostly due to a lack of stillness. Lack of rest. Especially during Spring quarter... I wasn't making enough time for just me and God to chill.

So yeah I have a lot to share... stuff from the past (stuff I keep running from but I need to face and just lessons I've learnt) and also stuff that God's been showing me about the season we are now in and going into. It's exciting!! But also overwhelming coz I don't know where to start -catching up on the past or moving forward- I stay stagnant coz I can't decide which then puts me even more behind on sharing. Another reason I stay stagnant is when I think about what people will think about me based on what I've shared... but yeah, I need to get over that because this is mainly for me... journaling is therapeutic for me (I call it Freedom by Expression). But it's for you as well, I like to share the journey (and for more explanation why I do this you can read my Remember post). 

So I really need to REST this summer coz that's what it's all about and the only way I can flow and overflow. For that to happen I need to be more organized with my time- To sleep earlier and wake up earlier to make time to journal... quiet time. I'm also looking forward to spending more time with family and friends. Summer Fun! =)

Oh yeah, I'm going back to SB for summer... last minute plans as usual lol ... will make sense when I share the previous stuff lol. K, peace! =)

The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:14) 

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